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MONTESSORI AT HOME: DIY Montessori Toys for Babies & Toddlers

You don't have to spend a fortune to create a Montessori-inspired environment for your little one. The beauty of the Montessori approach lies in its focus on natural materials and open-ended play. With a bit of creativity and some everyday household items, you can craft engaging and educational toys that nurture your baby or toddler's development.

For babies, sensory exploration is key. Fill empty containers like plastic bottles or tissue boxes with different textures like beans, rice, or crumpled paper. Secure them well and let your baby explore the sounds and feel of the materials. You can also create colorful mobiles with ribbons or felt shapes to capture their visual attention.

As toddlers gain motor skills, offer them opportunities to refine them. DIY a posting box by cutting various sized holes in a tissue box and provide colorful construction paper scraps or pompoms for them to post through. Repurpose an old shoebox into a shape sorter by cutting out geometric shapes on the lid and letting them match the cutouts with colorful cardboard shapes.

The possibilities are endless! With a little planning and these DIY Montessori toys, you can turn your home into a stimulating and enriching space that fosters your child's natural curiosity and love for learning.

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